I've owed someone the occassional dollar, but I've never been 9 trillion dollars in debt. College is coming up, so that won't be true much longer, but regardless. How does one come up with 9 trillion dollars?
I'll tell you.
Take every artist who has ever claimed to have "ice". By my last count, that's...all of them. Even Asterisk-In Sink-said they had it. So if they all pony up one "ice cube", as we'll call them (chains, rings, grills, tiaras, diamond-studded children, et cetera) to the government, that should be just about enough to bring us out of debt. Who am I kidding. That would be enough to buy every man, woman and panda in China a Lexus, and get us out of debt, and make Luxembourg drop it's superiority complex faster than Morrison dropped acid. Lil Wayne's dental work alone is probably worth the gross net of Rhode Island. Problem solved, crisis averted. As the great Jay Sanin would say-
"Done, next question."
16 years ago